Tag: Uganda

// 22.08.24

Harvesting Health: Integrating Nutrition and Sustainable Farming in Mt. Elgon

Drafted by Marina Vara Gutiérrez and Keje Nagel Last week, our new initiative, Harvesting Health: Integrating Nutrition and Sustainable Farming in Mt. Elgon, officially kicked off in Kapchorwa, Uganda. This exciting project, supported by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) under their Accelerating Resilient Food Systems in Africa (ARFSA) programme, marks the beginning of a transformative three-year journey. Our project aims […]

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By Melissa
// 20.08.24

Makerere University Hosts Critical Dialogue on Grounding Climate Change in East Africa: A Call for Action.

AidEnvironment Henry S. Mbowa and Annah Kayesu participated in a two-day international conference held at Makerere University on July 25-26, 2024, which delved into the complex interplay of science, politics, and ethics surrounding climate change in East Africa. Organised jointly by the Makerere University Department of  Environmental  Management, the College  of Agricultural  and Environment Sciences  and the University of Cambridge, […]

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By Melissa
// 19.08.24

Africa’s Carbon Market: A Path to Sustainable Development   

The African Union’s recent Carbon Market Conference highlighted the continent’s potential to leverage its vast natural resources for economic growth and climate action.  Senior Consultant for Climate Finance at AidEnvironment, David M. Mwayafu, participated in the conference held from July 24-26, 2024, in Addis Ababa. The conference brought together over 200 key stakeholders to discuss the practicalities of implementing a […]

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By Natividad
// 05.07.24

Boosting income generation through beekeeping in Eastern Uganda

Article written by East Africa Team AidEnvironment, on behalf of the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) in Uganda, empowers locals by building skills in beekeeping through training and support, including production technology and access to market. This need for support surfaced following gulley rehabilitation and river bank restoration activities which reduced their farming land. The project intends to contribute […]

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By Natividad
// 15.05.24

Environment and Natural Resources Management Ordinances for IWRM

By Anne Kikundwa, Okot Brian, Lukwago Brian, AidEnvironment East Africa Office. At the core of integrated water resources management (IWRM) is the need for equitable, beneficial and sustainable use of water and environment resources. IWRM has been widely adopted by governments and both national and international organisations. AidEnvironment seeks to further its adoption. To achieve this, AidEnvironment engaged all stakeholders […]

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By Natividad
// 22.04.24

‘Rethinking Collective Actions & Innovative Solutions to Water, Environment and Climate Change Crisis’

The Uganda Water and Environment Week (UWEWK) is an event organized annually by the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) through the Water Resources Institute (WRI). Since its inception in 2018, the event seeks to contribute towards the attainment of sustainable socio economic transformation and achieving the Ugandan National Development Plan and vision 2040. This year, AidEnvironment joined other partners in […]

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By Natividad
// 19.01.24

Government, partners intensify restoration activities in disaster-prone Elgon area

By Javier Silas Omagor In a collaborative effort, the government through the ministry of water and environment, (MWE), along with partners such as World Bank and AidEnvironment has ramped up restoration activities in a disaster-prone Mt. Elgon area to enhance resilience and mitigate the impact of future calamities. This was revealed on December, Saturday, 16, at the well-attended ceremony to […]

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By Natividad
// 23.11.23

Improving Livelihoods with Riverbank Restoration

Written by Anne Kikundwa & Brian Lukwago Rivers in the Lwakhakha sub-catchment are a major source of livelihood for the neighboring farming communities as they provide water for livestock and crops. In these communities, farmers have faced challenges of loss of land due to collapsing riverbanks.  Some of these rivers, located in the eastern part of Uganda, mark the natural […]

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By Natividad
// 22.11.23

Have you heard of biochar?

Written by Henry Stanley Mbowa   First, what is biochar?   Biochar is an organic fertilizer made from biodegradable waste materials through aerobic combustion in a barrel. The biodegradable materials used include domestic and garden wastes such as dry banana leaves, tree leaves, kitchen waste, maize cobs, beans shells, and plant trimmings. Other elements included in the process are sticks, […]

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By Natividad
// 01.11.23

East Africa Team Gathers for Reflection Retreat

Write up by Anne Kikundwa & Brian Lukwago.   Over the years, AidEnvironment East Africa has mastered the art of institutional development, planning, and assessment. We have prioritized holding team retreats not only to reflect on our progress on our strategic plan but also to plan ahead as a team. This year’s reflection event was held in Fort Portal City, in […]

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By Natividad
// 28.08.23

Implementing Income Generating Activities for Sustainable Livelihoods in Uganda

LEARNING EXCHANGE VISIT RECAP: Mbarara, Kabale, Ntungamo, and Kasese Districts in Uganda (July 31 – August 4, 2023) Report Written by Anne Kikundwa Birungi Background: The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) is implementing the Integrated Water Management and Development Project (IWMDP) in Lwakhakha sub-catchment in Mpologoma Catchment. The IWMDP supports the  implementation of catchment management measures, including soil and […]

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By Natividad
// 30.06.23

Rainwater harvesting helps address soil erosion, soil fertility, and moisture loss

Our team in Uganda shares how rainwater harvesting has been beneficial for farmers in project communities The in-situ rainwater harvesting technologies consist of making storage available in areas where the water is going to be utilized. Kapchorwa, Kween, and Bukwo lie along the slopes of Mt. Elgon. The area is naturally hilly, and farmers are engaging in agriculture on these steep […]

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By Natividad
// 11.06.23

Regenerative Agriculture: Green Future Farming Gains

Regenerative agriculture trainings + Biogas installations = Improved coffee yields  Article by Uganda Team Regenerative agriculture is a farming and grazing practice that, among other benefits, reverses climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity.   Moses Wanasolo is a resident of Masira sub-county and a member of the Masira farmer network in Bulambuli. He is […]

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By Natividad
// 28.04.23

Scaling up rainwater harvesting initiatives for improved access to potable water

Article by Anne Birungi Kikundwa   Northern Uganda is a region blessed with abundant rainfall. If properly managed, it has the potential to remove the burden of communities suffering from the lack of access to potable water during the dry season.  However, the practice of rainwater harvesting in the region has remained minimal partly due to lack of hard roofs […]

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By Natividad
// 08.03.23

Arokwo women are breaking barriers in construction 

Article by Anne Birungi Kikundwa Gender equality is paramount to having a more prosperous and vibrant world. However, girls and women across the globe still face remarkable challenges. Women continuously face barriers that affect their opportunities, including being underrepresented in power and decision-making roles.  In many of our communities in Uganda, girls and women are often seen as less valuable than […]

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By Natividad
// 14.10.22

Planting Trees to Save Lives

Article by Anne Kikundwa     Communities in Kamrono in the Ugandan district of Agago, face a lot of deforestation.  With the exception of shea trees which are predominant protected by strict community bylaws, many local tree species are increasingly being cut down to be used as wood fuel and charcoal. Charcoal burning is a common activity in the community that is […]

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By Natividad
aidenvironment africa
// 15.07.21

Bamboo to reduce the cost of rainwater harvesting

Through the Green Future Farming Project, AidEnvironment is piloting the use of bamboo as the main structural material for rainwater harvesting tanks in coffee-growing communities in Uganda. The lower costs will enable farmers to collect more rainwater and prevent soil erosion. The Sebei region on the slopes of Mount Elgon produces some of the best specialty Arabica coffee in Uganda. […]

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By AidEnvironment
// 29.06.21

Biogas for more productive farms and healthier lives

In the Green Future Farming project, biogas digesters are promoted to overcome the combined challenges of indoor air pollution and soil erosion and degradation in the coffee-growing Sebei sub-region of Uganda.  Aidenvironment is involved in a demo that recently started. Trees in the Kapchorwa, Kween, and Bukwo Districts of Uganda are cut down for firewood or for sale, leading to […]

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By AidEnvironment

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AfricaAidEnvironmentAmazonAsiaBeefBrazilcattleChain Reaction Researchclimate changeDeforestationEUeu deforestation regulationEU regulationEuropean UnionfarmingForest MonitoringGreen Future FarmingGreen Transformation PathwaysIndiaindonesiajbslandscape managementminervaOrangutanpalm oilpulp and paperReal-time Deforestation Monitoringregenerative agricultureriverbank restorationrural womensoySupervisory Boardsupply chainsustainabilitysustainable agricultureSustainable Sector TransformationTimberUgandavalue chainsWASH AllianceWASH SGPwater managementWestern SahelwomenWorld Bank