Tag: value chains

// 16.06.23

Sustainability Due Diligence is Here to Stay, and Companies Must Prepare For it

Article by Sarah Drost, Senior Research Consultant, AidEnvironment The European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) on 1 June 2023, with 366 votes in favor, 225 against and 38 abstentions. The law will oblige companies to show what actions they are taking to protect not only the environment, but also human rights. Due […]

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By Melissa
// 14.10.22

A guide for plant-based value chains

On October 13, 2022, at the Plant the Future Dinner, of the Dutch Food Week in The Hague (Netherlands), IUCN NL presented a Guide for vegan product producers, for which AidEnvironment prepared all factsheets and value chain analyses. The Guide is meant to support vegan producers with understanding social and environmental risks linked to 16 selected commodities utilized in the […]

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By Natividad
// 07.10.21

Regional Sustainability Initiatives: A complementary pathway to promote sustainable trade between key trading nations

Solidaridad Asia and Aidenvironment have written a joint paper on regional sustainability initiatives. These initiatives group key public and private stakeholders from key producing and consuming countries around a common sustainability agenda. As Asia has become the center of gravity of trade dynamics in various commodities, Solidaridad Asia has initiated regional sustainability initiatives as a new pathway to promote sustainable production […]

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By AidEnvironment

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