// 28.04.23

Scaling up rainwater harvesting initiatives for improved access to potable water

Article by Anne Birungi Kikundwa   Northern Uganda is a region blessed with abundant rainfall. If properly managed, it has the potential to remove the burden of communities suffering from the lack of access to potable water during the dry season.  However, the practice of rainwater harvesting in the region has remained minimal partly due to lack of hard roofs […]

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By Natividad
// 27.10.21

AidEnvironment demonstrates integrated water resource management for WASH at World Water Week

During SIWI World Water Week, WASH Alliance International member Aidenvironment, under its brand RAIN, and Wetlands International, Simavi, the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF), and IRC organized a session on how Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) can make WASH interventions more resilient to climate change impacts. During this session, RAIN showed a video about a wetland in Northern Uganda which has […]

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By AidEnvironment
// 26.08.21

Water Resource Management for WASH: strengthening communities for climate resilience

Northern Uganda experiences floods and droughts, impacting water supply, hygiene and health, and livelihoods. These floods and droughts seem to become more extreme, possibly linked to climate change. In the framework of the WASH SDG programme, RAIN (a brand of Aidenvironment) together with AMREF Flying Doctors and Simavi (all members of the WASH Alliance International), has piloted a solution to this problem in 2018. In […]

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By AidEnvironment

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