Tag: EU

// 14.10.24

The Netherlands remains the largest EU importer of all commodities in scope of the EUDR, new AidEnvironment analysis shows

By Sarah Drost, Valerie de Vries and Iqra Rafiq The Netherlands imported 44.1% of all cocoa products imported in the EU from non-EU origin countries in 2023, 41.6% of all palm oil products, 19.3% of all soy products, and 13.5% of all cattle products. These insights and many more can be found in the 27 factsheets AidEnvironment has developed in […]

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By Melissa
// 23.02.23

What do the letters NDPE mean for your Valentine’s chocolate?

Article by Okita Miraningrum and Rita Raleira   How did you celebrate Valentine’s Day last week? Many chose to show their love and appreciation for their loved ones by offering them the typical gifts of the season – flowers, candy, or… chocolate! Besides being an all-time favorite Valentine’s Day gift, many people also consume chocolate daily — be it as […]

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By Natividad
// 15.12.22

The EU Has Adopted Deforestation Regulation: What’s next for AidEnvironment?

On December 6th, 2022, the European Commission, Council, and Parliament reached a political agreement on the new regulation on deforestation-free supply chains. Since 2021, AidEnvironment has provided thorough analyses and research inputs on key elements of the regulation in collaboration with and supported by our partners, including ClientEarth, Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN), Mighty Earth, and the Meridian Institute.   AidEnvironment’s trade […]

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By Natividad
// 02.12.21

Record deforestation in Brazil highlight need for new EU import law

The recently released PRODES data for 2021 shows deforestation of 13,235 km2 (1,323,500 hectares) in the Legal Amazon, the highest number since 2008 and an increase of 22 percent when compared to the previous year (the annual rates cover a timeframe from August of the previous year to July of the current year). Since the beginning of 2019, when the current president, Jair […]

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By AidEnvironment
// 19.11.21

AidEnvironment insights: Gaps and opportunities in EU deforestation regulation and COP26 pledges

November 2021 has been a month of promises and pledges to safeguard the world’s forests and further prevent carbon emissions from deforestation. Apart from the COP26 collective declaration to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030, yesterday the European Commission released a proposal for a regulation on deforestation-free products. The law aims to minimize the risk of deforestation in goods, such […]

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By AidEnvironment

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