Tag: Brazil

// 10.06.24

23.6 million hectares of Brazilian cattle farms linked to JBS, Minerva, and Marfrig   

A recent update to AidEnvironment’s database includes direct and indirect suppliers of JBS, Marfrig and Minerva, the three largest meatpackers in Brazil, covering 23.6 million hectares. That area is larger in size than the island forming Great Britain (20.93 million ha). Our sample identified 23,594 direct supplying farms and 47,338 indirect supplying farms linked to the three largest meatpackers in […]

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By Natividad
// 18.04.24

Recent deforestation in SLC Agricola’s farm Palmares 

Author: Marco Garcia, Deforestation-free supply chains team  AidEnvironment’s real-time deforestation monitoring (RDM) system has detected a recent clearing inside SLC Agricola’s Fazenda Palmares located in Barreiras municipality, Bahia state, Brazil. This farm and an earlier case of native vegetation loss linked to a fire event have been reported by AidEnvironment and included in Earthsight’s recently published Fashion Crimes investigation.   The […]

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By Natividad
// 15.01.24

[PRESS RELEASE] Onderzoek World Animal Protection: AH en Makro verkopen nog altijd ontbossingsvlees

Ondanks de toezegging van AH en Makro om niet langer Braziliaans ontbossingsrundvlees in te kopen, belandt er nog steeds dubieus rundvlees in hun schappen. Daarmee dragen de retailers bij aan vernietiging van het leefgebied van verschillende diersoorten in Brazilië. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van World Animal Protection, uitgevoerd door onderzoeksbureau AidEnvironment.  Nederland importeert grote hoeveelheden rundvlees uit Brazilië. In 2022 maar liefst 16.566 ton. Uit onderzoek van de internationale dierenbeschermingsorganisatie blijkt dat het ontbossingsvlees in verschillende Nederlandse […]

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By Natividad
// 15.11.23

From ranch to plate: beef supply chain mapping

Article by Sarah Drost AidEnvironment continuously supports civil society, law charities, campaigners, and journalists with supply chain mapping and global trade data analyses. This year we have mapped the Colombian palm oil supply chain, assessed how the Unites States is tied to scope-3 emissions linked to global commodity trade and consumption. We have also mapped importing operators eligible under the […]

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By Natividad
// 14.04.22

Brasilagro to convert over 10,000 hectares of cerrado forest

BrasilAgro, a Brazilian rural real estate firm and soy producer, has plans to convert at least 10,000 hectares (ha) of Cerrado native vegetation for livestock and grain production, which include the drilling of several large-capacity wells. Aidenvironment, through its Chain Reaction Research consortium, already monitors BrasilAgro for several years, and has previously flagged the company’s clearing operations in Brazil and the associated business risks. Read […]

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By AidEnvironment
// 22.02.22

AidEnvironment launches new supply chain​ transparency report featuring largest commodity companies

On 22 February 2022, AidEnvironment published a Real-time Deforestation Monitoring (RDM) report that sheds light on 21,265 hectares of deforestation and fire events linked to soy traders and meatpackers in the Cerrado biome in Brazil. RDM reports aim to: create awareness on recent deforestation and fire events linked to global commodities’ supply chains; engage commodity producers and traders on real-time deforestation […]

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By AidEnvironment
Real-time Deforestation Monitoring report
// 07.12.21

Palm oil production in Brazilian Amazon threatens no deforestation, no exploitation commitments

Oil palm growers in Brazil have argued that palm oil production is a “green solution” to safeguard the Amazon as a result of planting on areas already degraded and cleared only before 2008. While palm oil production in the Brazilian Amazon has relatively lower environmental impacts than soy and beef, our new joint publication Palm oil Production in Brazilian Amazon Threathens […]

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By AidEnvironment
// 02.12.21

Record deforestation in Brazil highlight need for new EU import law

The recently released PRODES data for 2021 shows deforestation of 13,235 km2 (1,323,500 hectares) in the Legal Amazon, the highest number since 2008 and an increase of 22 percent when compared to the previous year (the annual rates cover a timeframe from August of the previous year to July of the current year). Since the beginning of 2019, when the current president, Jair […]

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By AidEnvironment
// 26.11.21

Satellite monitoring in action – ‘bad’ soy in sustainable animal feed

Aidenvironment research contributed to a television broadcast about deforestation in the Dutch animal feed industry. Zembla, a Dutch documentary program, released a broadcast on November 25th at NPO2 concerning Brazil’s soy exports linked deforestation and animal feed companies in the Netherlands. Aidenvironment supported the research in Brazil, by providing data on deforestation and fires in several farms from soy producer SLC Agrícola […]

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By AidEnvironment
// 01.07.21

Automotive industry exposure to deforestation

Cattle-raising is the leading driver of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, which lost 1.1 million hectares in 2020, the highest rate since 2012. In the past the pressure to stop deforestation concentrated on the beef supply chain and the three largest Brazilian meatpackers (JBS, Marfrig, and Minerva). Although leather is a co-product of beef, its links to deforestation have been […]

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By AidEnvironment

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