
Deforestation // 12.10.21

PT Hutan Produksi Lestari continues to clear orangutan habitat in Indonesia

The Indonesian company PT Hutan Produksi Lestari has cleared 755 hectares of forest between January and August 2021. This makes it the fourth largest deforester for industrial trees in Indonesia in 2021 so far. Since January 2020, the company has owned an industrial tree concession of 10,050 hectares in Kapuas district, Central Kalimantan province. The concession falls within the habitat of the Critically Endangered Bornean orangutan […]

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By AidEnvironment
Deforestation // 07.10.21

Connecting EU timber operators to tropical deforestation-linked timber

Aidenvironment has recently finalized a study for the environmental law charity ClientEarth on the EU timber market. The study is part of a wider project on the role of timber operators in forest governance, in the framework of two tools to combat illegal logging: Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). The study ultimately aims to inform […]

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By AidEnvironment
Sector // 07.10.21

Regional Sustainability Initiatives: A complementary pathway to promote sustainable trade between key trading nations

Solidaridad Asia and Aidenvironment have written a joint paper on regional sustainability initiatives. These initiatives group key public and private stakeholders from key producing and consuming countries around a common sustainability agenda. As Asia has become the center of gravity of trade dynamics in various commodities, Solidaridad Asia has initiated regional sustainability initiatives as a new pathway to promote sustainable production […]

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By AidEnvironment
Land // 07.10.21

Meet our new team members

EAST AFRICA OFFICE Sarah Nulamansi Fenet Mekonnen Fenet holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management. She joined Aidenvironment in June 2021 as a young expert/project officer for the Green Future Farming program at Middle Awash Oromia, Ethiopia. She is based at the Doni field office and is highly motivated to […]

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By AidEnvironment
Water // 21.09.21

First stakeholder meeting of the LASER-PULSE East Africa Water Security project provides valuable insights

The LASER-PULSE East Africa Water Security project, of which Aidenvironment is a member of the implementing team, held its first stakeholder meeting. It was attended by 72 participants, ranging from water resources managers, NGO personnel, industry representatives, and policymakers to academics and students of water management. The participants provided valuable insights and suggestions on data, policy, and stakeholder engagement: The quality […]

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By AidEnvironment
Deforestation // 07.09.21

Three industrial tree plantation group companies responsible for 4,700 ha forest loss in Indonesia

Just three pulp and paper companies in Indonesia were responsible for around 4,700 hectares of forest clearing during the first half of 2021, analysis by Aidenvironment shows. The figure indicates Indonesia is on its way to matching 2020’s deforestation figures, when just five companies were responsible for 13,000 hectares of forest loss. The three groups clearing the most forest in 2021 are […]

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By AidEnvironment
Water // 26.08.21

Water Resource Management for WASH: strengthening communities for climate resilience

Northern Uganda experiences floods and droughts, impacting water supply, hygiene and health, and livelihoods. These floods and droughts seem to become more extreme, possibly linked to climate change. In the framework of the WASH SDG programme, RAIN (a brand of Aidenvironment) together with AMREF Flying Doctors and Simavi (all members of the WASH Alliance International), has piloted a solution to this problem in 2018. In […]

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By AidEnvironment
Deforestation // 11.08.21

Indonesian KPP Group, a significant contributor to forest loss

The Indonesian Kayan Patria Pratama (KPP) group, active in the provinces of East and North Kalimantan, has cleared 13,500 hectares of forests since 2016. Spatial analysis by Aidenvironment puts KPP among the largest deforesting company groups in Indonesia. KPP is a conglomerate company, with interests in logging, oil palm, rubber, coal mining, a huge hydropower project and shipping. The logging concessions of KPP […]

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By AidEnvironment
Deforestation // 06.08.21

Laporan terbaru menunjukkan pentingnya penguatan kebijakan nol deforestasi oleh perusahaan penyuling kelapa sawit

[Click here for the English version of the article] Sektor hutan tanaman industri di Indonesia dan Malaysia melakukan pembukaan hutan terus menerus. Pelaku pembukaan lahan adalah para rekanan bisnis dari perusahaan penyulingan minyak sawit utama di dunia. Dengan mengadopsi kebijakan komoditas silang, perusahaan penyuling minyak sawit dapat melindungi lebih banyak hutan. Amsterdam, 26 Agustus 2021. Dalam laporan terbarunya, Aidenvironment mendata […]

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By AidEnvironment

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