Tag: rainwater harvesting

// 30.06.23

Rainwater harvesting helps address soil erosion, soil fertility, and moisture loss

Our team in Uganda shares how rainwater harvesting has been beneficial for farmers in project communities The in-situ rainwater harvesting technologies consist of making storage available in areas where the water is going to be utilized. Kapchorwa, Kween, and Bukwo lie along the slopes of Mt. Elgon. The area is naturally hilly, and farmers are engaging in agriculture on these steep […]

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By Natividad
// 28.04.23

Scaling up rainwater harvesting initiatives for improved access to potable water

Article by Anne Birungi Kikundwa   Northern Uganda is a region blessed with abundant rainfall. If properly managed, it has the potential to remove the burden of communities suffering from the lack of access to potable water during the dry season.  However, the practice of rainwater harvesting in the region has remained minimal partly due to lack of hard roofs […]

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By Natividad
aidenvironment africa
// 15.07.21

Bamboo to reduce the cost of rainwater harvesting

Through the Green Future Farming Project, AidEnvironment is piloting the use of bamboo as the main structural material for rainwater harvesting tanks in coffee-growing communities in Uganda. The lower costs will enable farmers to collect more rainwater and prevent soil erosion. The Sebei region on the slopes of Mount Elgon produces some of the best specialty Arabica coffee in Uganda. […]

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By AidEnvironment

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