
Deforestation // 01.07.21

Automotive industry exposure to deforestation

Cattle-raising is the leading driver of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, which lost 1.1 million hectares in 2020, the highest rate since 2012. In the past the pressure to stop deforestation concentrated on the beef supply chain and the three largest Brazilian meatpackers (JBS, Marfrig, and Minerva). Although leather is a co-product of beef, its links to deforestation have been […]

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By AidEnvironment
Land // 29.06.21

Biogas for more productive farms and healthier lives

In the Green Future Farming project, biogas digesters are promoted to overcome the combined challenges of indoor air pollution and soil erosion and degradation in the coffee-growing Sebei sub-region of Uganda.  Aidenvironment is involved in a demo that recently started. Trees in the Kapchorwa, Kween, and Bukwo Districts of Uganda are cut down for firewood or for sale, leading to […]

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By AidEnvironment
Deforestation // 03.06.21

The Sumatera Dinamika Utama Group, third largest deforester in Indonesia’s pulp and paper sector over 2020

The company group Sumatera Dinamika Utama (SDU) was the third largest deforester in Indonesia’s pulp and paper sector in 2020, mainly due to its plantation company PT Permata Borneo Abadi, which cleared 850 hectares of forests. Little public information is available on SDU. However, it is the most important supplier to Indonesia’s second largest pulp and paper producer Royal Golden Eagle (RGE). […]

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By AidEnvironment
Water // 04.05.21

Pull out the stops on remote sensing for small scale storage in the Western Sahel

The western Sahel is drying up, degrading and arable land is getting scarce. Yet, every year, water from arid upstream lands of the western Sahel causes downstream floods. In other areas large dams leave people downstream without water. This situation raises several questions, where are these areas with excess water? Where and during what period of the year should water […]

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By AidEnvironment
Deforestation // 13.04.21

Alas Kusuma Group second largest deforester in Indonesia’s pulp and paper sector

The company group Alas Kusuma was the second largest deforester in Indonesia’s pulp and paper sector over 2020, as its subsidiary PT Mayawana Persada cleared 2,800 hectares of forests. The clear-felling was mainly in orangutan habitat and it is ongoing in 2021. Alas Kusuma has logging, industrial tree and oil palm concessions. Aidenvironment calls upon buying companies with no-deforestation commitments to use […]

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By AidEnvironment

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