
Water // 16.12.21

Improved livelihoods through integrated water resources management

Climate change has exerted substantial effects on water cycles worldwide by changing the seasonal pattern of water resources. Agago District in Uganda is particularly affected, where water flows are expected to exceed socio-ecological thresholds for hydrological cycles. This impacts ecosystems and people’s livelihoods and well-being. Coupled with environmental degradation due to flooding, deforestation and excessive tree cutting, crop and cattle […]

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By AidEnvironment
Land // 16.12.21

Working towards Green Transformation in India

Recently, Aidenvironment got a new program approved by the IKEA Foundation. The program focuses on regenerative agriculture and is called Green Transformation. The program will be implemented in Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh in India, together with three other partners: PRADAN, FES and MetaMeta Research. Currently, these areas in India face challenges in degradation of ecology, low agricultural returns, and increasing rural distress; all complicated by climate change. To promote […]

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By AidEnvironment
Real-time Deforestation Monitoring report
Deforestation // 07.12.21

Palm oil production in Brazilian Amazon threatens no deforestation, no exploitation commitments

Oil palm growers in Brazil have argued that palm oil production is a “green solution” to safeguard the Amazon as a result of planting on areas already degraded and cleared only before 2008. While palm oil production in the Brazilian Amazon has relatively lower environmental impacts than soy and beef, our new joint publication Palm oil Production in Brazilian Amazon Threathens […]

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By AidEnvironment
Deforestation // 02.12.21

Record deforestation in Brazil highlight need for new EU import law

The recently released PRODES data for 2021 shows deforestation of 13,235 km2 (1,323,500 hectares) in the Legal Amazon, the highest number since 2008 and an increase of 22 percent when compared to the previous year (the annual rates cover a timeframe from August of the previous year to July of the current year). Since the beginning of 2019, when the current president, Jair […]

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By AidEnvironment
Deforestation // 26.11.21

Satellite monitoring in action – ‘bad’ soy in sustainable animal feed

Aidenvironment research contributed to a television broadcast about deforestation in the Dutch animal feed industry. Zembla, a Dutch documentary program, released a broadcast on November 25th at NPO2 concerning Brazil’s soy exports linked deforestation and animal feed companies in the Netherlands. Aidenvironment supported the research in Brazil, by providing data on deforestation and fires in several farms from soy producer SLC Agrícola […]

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By AidEnvironment

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