Working towards Green Transformation in India

Dec 2021

Recently, Aidenvironment got a new program approved by the IKEA Foundation. The program focuses on regenerative agriculture and is called Green Transformation. The program will be implemented in Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh in India, together with three other partners: PRADANFES and MetaMeta Research.

Currently, these areas in India face challenges in degradation of ecology, low agricultural returns, and increasing rural distress; all complicated by climate change. To promote stronger rural economies based on sustainable use of resources and regenerative agriculture, it is not enough only to improve activities at farmer field level but it is necessary to contribute to an overall system change.

Within the GTP program, Aidenvironment will provide expertise of integrated water resources management, from promotion of 3R measures (recharge retention reuse) to the reinforcement of value chains. Additionally, Aidenvironment will also develop and support the field program and the transformation strategy, and will provide (innovative) contributions and packages and facilitate international linkages.

To find out more about our project , reach out to Tanvi Walawalkar and Niels Lenderink