Water management issues, such as flooding and desertification, lead to profound challenges for landscapes and communities across the world. In dealing with the global water crisis, the solution lies in recognising that water is not a scarce resource. For example, some drylands in equatorial Africa experience up to 1,000 mm of rainfall per year, compared to 750 mm in London (IUCN). The combination of high temperatures in some areas, extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change, and exploitation of natural resources have led to rapid water loss. Water management solutions allow communities to harness a variety of water sources and make this available for productive use.
AidEnvironment delivers sustainable water management solutions that positively impact people, businesses and the environment. Our work emphasises “integrated” in integrated water resource management (IWRM), which involves striving for a holistic understanding of resources on a catchment level—where water is coming from, where it flows and the needs of communities around it. Our team uses tried and tested models that contribute to environmental sustainability, including water harvesting, regreening and regenerative agriculture. We take a positive approach to water, focusing on solutions that increase water access in ways that benefit an entire landscape and all its users.
Our work on Sustainable Water Management is also known as RAIN. Eighteen years ago, AidEnvironment founded RAIN as a separate entity. Since then, RAIN has become a thought leader in the field of sustainable water management, working on developing, promoting and implementing rainwater harvesting systems all around the world. In 2014, RAIN transformed into a brand of AidEnvironment and in 2022, as we expand our work in water access, Water Management (RAIN) has grown into its own theme and focus area.
We develop and implement solutions that provide water security and improve climate change resilience, food security, and access to drinking water and sanitation services (WASH). Our experience and presence on the ground ensure that our solutions are relevant and viable.
Design and implementation
We design and implement integrated water resources management (IWRM) solutions, and apply other approaches such as 3R (Recharge, Retention, Reuse of rainwater) and MUS (Multiple Use Systems)
Best practice
We support partners in the practical implementation of sustainable water management solutions and develop learning courses and tools for capacity building
We provide practical and strategic advice for the development and implementation of sustainable water management solutions
Article drafted by Niels Lenderink, Senior Programme Manager The Water Harvesting Explorer (WHE) has been developed with funding from the World Bank by a consortium of organisations with expertise in small scale water harvesting: Acacia Water, MetaMeta, CDE at University of Bern (WOCAT), IGRAC, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Verdant Earth, Global Water Partnership West-Africa, and […]
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