AidEnvironment contributes to publication on interventions to address child labour

Jan 2023

AidEnvironment has contributed to a recent publication with lessons learned and insights gained from completed and ongoing projects to prevent and mitigate child labour. These projects were funded by the Fund against Child Labour (FBK), implemented by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Since its inception in 2017, FBK has awarded grants to nearly sixty projects in different sectors and countries worldwide. Through these projects, FBK promotes cooperation between companies, NGOs, local suppliers, governments and other stakeholders. The publication takes a closer look at a range of interventions that companies and other stakeholders are taking to prevent or mitigate child labour in business supply chains. These interventions take an innovative approach, by targeting the drivers, or root causes, of child labour. This allows the projects not only to mitigate child labour, but also to prevent it from re-appearing.

The publication covers the following interventions:

– Raising awareness on child labour
– Improving incomes, thus addressing the main root cause of the occurrence of child labour
– Access to education, thus addressing another root cause of child labour
– Area-based approaches on addressing child labour
– Monitoring child labour labour