Realtime Deforestation Monitoring Report (RDM 6) – October 2022
AidEnvironment’s new Realtime Deforestation Monitoring - RDM 6 report links 19,360 hectares of deforestation and 511 fire alerts to soy traders and meatpackers in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes in Brazil.
The report features seven cases linking recent deforestation to soy traders’ and beef processors’ supply chains in the states of Mato Grosso, Bahia, Maranhão, and Piauí.
The cases are potentially connected to the largest soy traders, including Amaggi, Bunge, Cargill, and Cofco, and the largest meatpackers, including JBS, Marfrig, and Minerva.
RDM reports are published every month with support from EU Life Program and the European Climate Foundation.
This report was updated in December 2022.
Read the full report
The RDM reports aim to:
- Raise awareness on recent deforestation and fire events linked to global commodities’ supply chains
- Engage commodity producers and traders on real-time deforestation events, and urge them to respond — especially those with commitments to halt deforestation in their supply chains
- Support stakeholders in the financial sector and civil society with granular data needed in their due diligence and engagement with companies
- Increase transparency in commodity sectors, particularly on companies’ no-deforestation commitments and how this is implemented on the ground.
Want more information on this project?
Joana Faggin
Program Manager - Deforestation-free Supply Chains
Want more information on this project?
Marco Garcia
Expert - Deforestation-free Supply Chains GIS analysis