Hide on the Highway – Tracing Leather from Brazil to Europe under the EU Deforestation Regulation

This report, a collaborative effort between Rainforest Foundation Norway and AidEnvironment, investigates the complex journey of Brazilian leather to European markets. The report critically examines the supply chain’s transparency and its compliance with the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). 

 The report maps the supply chain of Brazilian leather and its connection to end products in the EU. It reveals potential non-compliance with the EUDR and highlights the challenges faced in tracing the origins of leather imports into the EU. Findings show that the Brazilian leather industry has direct links to deforestation, driven by cattle ranching in the Amazon, ending up on the European market. A significant portion of leather imported into the EU from Brazil lacks adequate traceability, raising concerns about compliance with the EUDR.  

The report calls for urgent measures to enhance transparency and accountability in the leather industry to ensure adherence to the EUDR’s requirements and to prevent deforestation.