AidEnvironment updates database of direct suppliers to JBS, Marfrig, and Minerva – October 2024

Oct 2024

By Valerie de Vries 

A recent update to AidEnvironment’s database of direct suppliers to JBS, Marfrig, and Minerva—the three largest meatpackers in Brazil—shows an increase of over 35% compared to June of this year. The direct supplying farms now cover an area of 18.4 million hectares, more than twice the size of the Netherlands and Belgium combined. Our sample identified 36,441 direct supplying farms connected to the three meatpackers across seven Brazilian states.

AidEnvironment uses this dataset to monitor deforestation and fires within the meatpackers’ supply chains, contributing to Civil Society Organizations campaigns such as Mighty Earth’s Rapid Response and Rainforest Foundation Norway’s recent report focused on the leather supply chain, and articles garnering media attention, for instance in the Washington Post and The Guardian. 

While the numbers of direct and indirect suppliers are high, they represent just a sample of the full meatpackers’ supplier base, which is mostly unknown. For example, JBS alone has approximately 80,000 direct suppliers in Brazil, covering an area of 85 million hectares.

AidEnvironment frequently updates its datasets in collaboration with Brazilian partners.

For more information contact Marco Garcia: